Put the Emotion into Motion

Here at Cultiv8 FP we are well into our third week of self-isolation. While it is still business as usual (if we can say that!) we are here to look after you all.

I am very proud of how my team has embraced this change in their working arrangements and the courage they have shown.

It has been a challenging time, with many clients being stood down from their employment, having their hours cut all on top of having retirement savings eroded by the 30% drop in the market value of the assets. This takes a toll on us all including your advisory team!

So what have I been doing to stay in tune with the changing nature of our world? I have been taking in the serenity of a morning walk to gather my thoughts and remain focused on supporting our clients, my staff and my family through this time.

We have been listening to podcasts and attending webinars to stay abreast of the developing nature of the financial sector and what a post Covid-19 world could look like.

The one comment or statement that I heard last week which sat with me was “Put the emotion into motion.” I started asking myself what this means and how could a statement be brought to life in a way that has practical implications to us all now and into the future.

We all find ourselves with a little more time as we aren’t rushing in the mornings to get the kiddos off to school or to a sports training session. It feels almost heaven not having to spend all weekend running around to sports and dance etc!

So, isn’t this the time to sit a little, spend time with your husband, partner and children, listen to them and connect on a level that has probably been missing from many of our relationships for some time.

Talk and discuss what opportunities exist for your family, how can you grow and strengthen your bonds? Is it getting back to a sustainable level of self-sufficiency? Is it setting goals for where your next adventures might take you? What parts of our great nation have you not explored? Is it setting down and looking at your finances? If you have been meaning to do a budget take the time to gather the data and compile the family budget, reset your goals and gain the deeper understanding of what is important to you.

Think about how your business might need to change in the future, as we are forced to embrace technology to provide our services more than we had anticipated this year- is this a negative or a positive. Maybe the rise of serviced offices is possible future investment even within a rural community?
Can you work more efficiently and productively?

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One thing is for sure, we will recover. Ask yourself, are you setting your business up to capture the work? Maybe it is time to sit and look at your marketing strategy, understand your target market, what changes do you need to make to lift yourself back into the market.

The recovery and the shape of the recovery has been a hot topic over the past week, and I have every faith that we will rise as Australian’s always do, to support each other to recover economically.

I am confident that we will see for the initial recovery period see a focus on shopping and buying local. I don’t just mean from our small local retailers, but also buying Australian!
This goes to say you know that list around the home which seems to “not have time” to get done can be organised. Paint the outside of the house but take the time to ring the painters and ask them to quote you on the job, choose the colour and be ready to support the recovery! Not every business has been forced to hibernate.

This is the time whilst challenging presents opportunity to pause and reflect, we will rise from this challenge with a sense of pride and the success will belong to all of us.

We will again be with friends, family and meet again soon!

Emily Bowker