Planning for yourself or your family


Budgeting and saving

Are you finding it hard to achieve your financial goals?

Whether you are saving for a large purchase, wanting to establish a budget or would like to increase your savings working with a professional financial adviser can help set a plan in place to achieve your goals.

At Cultiv8 Financial Advisers we work with you to develop a plan that will see you achieve your goals and live the life you want. 

Our plans consider more than the money in your bank. We look at your life, how you currently earn and spend your money, what you are doing now, what you want to do soon and what you want to do in the future. After fully considering your individual circumstances we work with you to develop a strategic plan that will set you on the path to realising your goals.

Debt management

Many of us live with an “accepted amount of debt”, whether that be accumulated credit card debt, personal loans, vehicle loans, store debt or debt to family members, each of us have a level of debt we are happy to operate life maintaining.

The important thing to consider is whether your accepted amount of debt is ‘good debt’ or ‘bad debt’.

Good Debt is debt that you take on that helps you increase your net worth, i.e. education debt, real estate debt.

Bad debt is debt taken on to purchase assets that will ultimately depreciate, i.e. cars, clothes or credit cards.

It is often only when our acceptable amount of debt is compromised, becomes overwhelming or unmanageable, that we seek help.

Working with a professional financial adviser to develop a proactive way to manage your debts can help save you the stress and angst of juggling debt. 

At Cultiv8 Financial Advisers we can assist with identifying whether you are in a position to take on any desired debt before you enter a loan or new debt situation. We are also skilled at providing strategies and plans for managing existing debt. By considering your full circumstances we will develop a way forward that will see you continue to live the life you want while implementing effective debt management.

Financial protection and insurance

You work hard for your money so should consider protecting it.

We never know what tomorrow will bring, and while it is never nice to think about – what if something happened that meant you couldn’t work?

What would you do if you were unable to work, and therefore lost your income?

Working with a strategic financial adviser to identify the best ways to protect your finances and income may be the difference between a forced return to work and the ability to take the time to need away from the office, your business or place of work, that you need.

At Cultiv8 Financial Advisers we work with you and take the time to consider exactly what you might need should anything mean you are unable to maintain your life and finances ensuring you can live the life you want.

Estate planning

Planning the future management of your estate is essential to ensuring a life free of financial stress.

No matter your wealth or financial position, age or family status, developing an estate planning strategy with a financial adviser will mean that you, and your family know how your assets will be managed when the time comes.

By deciding how your estate will be divided, establishing or modifying your will a well constructed state plan will ensure that your wishes will be carried out and your family will be provided for.

Lets plan for your financial future